Ergonomic Programs

Our ergonomic programming consists of both group and individual options. We ensure employees understand the principles of healthy ergonomics and optimal workstation set-up, emphasizing the importance of spinal health and repetitive strain injury prevention. Musculoskeletal disorders are one of the leading causes of work-related, lost-time claims in Ontario. As such, this service is one of our most popular wellness program features, with most clients choosing to provide employees with a group seminar followed by individual assessments.

Ergonomics for the Hybrid Model

Wherever you are working, we have you covered! In this practical ergonomic workshop, employees will learn how to set up their workstations and home office properly. Healthy ergonomic habits reduce the risk of common repetitive strain injuries and promote employee health and well-being.

Ergonomic Assessments

Our ergonomic specialists will assess your workstation and provide advice on how to set up your workstation optimally and offer practical customized tips to achieve optimal posture to promote good health and reduce injury risk.

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