Aleksander Jurkiewicz
My Focus & Approach
Even before I began my journey as a Massage Therapist I always wanted to be involved in a natural health field where I could help people get better. From my own experience with sport injuries Therapeutic Massage has always played a big part in my rehabilitation and recovery. It was there for a natural choice when I made my decision
- Kikkawa Collage-2012
- Myofascial Approaches to Postural Disfunctions-2012
- Sports Massage and Kinesio Taping-2012
- Traditional Thai Massage-2012
- Athletic Movement Assessment – Lower Extremity 2014
Work at the Clinic
- Provide Massage Therapy Treatments for effective relief of pain, muscle soreness, every day wear and tear and injury prevention. Dedication to lifelong learning and practice of treatment techniques that are based on proven research in order to achieve quality care. Helping clients better understand their injuries and treatment through a rehabilitation program that involves client’s education to meet their individual goals.
Career Highlights
- Teaching-clinic experience in treating MS clients, Cerebral Palsy clients and people in long term care.
- Agatsu Kettlebell Certification 2013
- Sports Massage Practitioner Pan Am Games 2015